graphic of YWS house in the snow

Days Left to Donate








We are super excited to announce that we surpassed our goal of raising $140,000 for our “Home for the Holidays” Matching Gift Campaign!

The campaign ran from Nov. 18 to Dec. 31, with 335 donors participating, raising $233,937! Five generous benefactors matched donations directed to this Campaign up to $140,000. This means, IN TOTAL, the “Home for the Holidays” Campaign raised $373,937.00 to support our YWS youth!

Thank you to everyone who donated to the cause! We are so grateful to have such a supportive community here at YWS. Thank you for helping us provide a safe place for our youth to call “home” this holiday season.

Thank you to five very generous benefactors who have come together to match donations during our Home for the Holidays campaign. 

Our foundation is proud to support YWS and its continuing mission to fight youth homelessness in the GTA.  YWS provides crucial opportunities that may not exist for its participants elsewhere to build & grow and contribute to our society.  

Ward Family Foundation

YWS has long been a favourite charity of ours. We love the way a youth can arrive without judgment and get the help they need.  They leave with a complete refresh/restart regardless of their past trauma or troubles. YWS’s work saves lives. Thank you.

The Tilling Foundation

The work Youth Without Shelter does is simply amazing. 
It supports young people who have no place to live, something that many of us could not fathom.  It assists those residents who want to continue in school to do so, something so many of us take for granted. Through its many programs it helps its residents to become contributing members of society.  It does all of this while ensuring that its spending is prudent.
Those are all great reasons to support this, our favourite charity but the best of all is that giving to this charity makes us feel wonderful.
Anonymous Benefactor

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