October 4, 2023

2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Rexdale Community Hub, 21 Panorama Court, Etobicoke, Ontario

Start your career path today!

Meet with Exhibitors from different career fields that specialize in skilled trades to support you in your career development. 

Join YWS in our vision to inspire young people to enter skilled trades and professions with pathways to apprenticeship and long-term opportunities.

YWS is a recognized leader in supporting vulnerable and at-risk youth in the GTA. Together we can bring opportunity to an under-served population in an economically challenged neighbourhood.

At the Rexdale Trades Expo, you will have a chance to meet with local union representatives who have insight into the trades field, learn about training programs that allow you to enter the desired field of interest, and discuss career navigation with experienced professionals. 

Our goal is to remove the barriers to success that often impede young people in marginalized communities seeking training programs and apprenticeships. Join us to learn more about new opportunities to the Rexdale area and connect with talented individuals who can help guide you to a career in the trades or skilled labour force!


3:30 PMManigha Satari from The Neighborhood Organization

4:00 PMPaul Trimble from The College of Carpenters and Allied Trades

4:30 PMChris Campbell from the Carpenters Union Local 27

5:00 PMMegan Way from Blue Door Construct

We’ll see you there!


Please contact Jonathan at jonathan@yws.on.ca.

YWS Employment Program

Our Employment program works one-on-one with youth to elevate their confidence and support them in overcoming multiple barriers to employment. Since it’s inception the YWS Employment program has delivered employment-related counseling sessions for over 5,000 youth, and provided more than 30,000 support services. These services include transit fare, work specific clothing, and safety gear for the job site. 

According to the National Youth Homelessness Survey, 75.7% of homeless youth are unemployed versus 13.3% for all of Canada, and 50.5% of homeless youth are not currently involved in either education, employment or training.

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