Get Help
If you are a youth (age 16-24) who urgently needs a safe place to sleep, please call our emergency shelter at 416.748.0110. Press 0 or email Moe at If you are in immediate danger, call emergency (police, ambulance, fire): 911
Be Safe by mindyourmind is a free mobile app designed to support young people in reaching out during a crisis and finding reliable resources in their area.
The Be Safe App helps you:
- Create a safety plan
- Find local resources for support.
- Be prepared if you find yourself in a crisis.
Period Pin makes it easier for menstruators to find the free products they need when they need them. With support from libraries, museums community-based organizations, and some private businesses, you can view the Period Pin map to see the locations of menstrual products in your community.
24-HR Helplines
9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
A safe place to talk, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Languages: English and French
Call or text: 988
211 Toronto
Will help you find community services in multiple languages)
Call: 211
Street Helpline
Information and referral helpline for people experiencing homelessness. Free of charge from any pay phone.
Call: 311
Kids Help Phone
Phone and online counseling for children and youth; English and French
Call: 1-800-668-6868
Distress Centre of Toronto
Emotional distress/crisis phoneline; multiple languages
Call: 416-408-4357
Health advice; multiple languages
Call: 1-866-797-0000
Provides confidential support services for post-secondary students in Ontario and Nova Scotia
Call: 1-866-925-5454 (Ontario)
Multicultural Youth Helpline & Services
Across Boundaries
Provides mental health and addiction services for racialized communities
Call: 46-787-3007, ext. 222
Chinese Family Services of Ontario
Providing services, counselling and support for families
Call: 416-979-8299
Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline
Providing support for Muslim youth
Call: 1-866-627-3342
Caribbean African Canadian Social Services
CAFCAN provides culturally appropriate social services that enrich the lives of the African, Caribbean and Diaspora (ACD) communities in the Greater Toronto Area
Call: 416–740–1056
Offers culturally aware and supportive programs to those in need, including but not limited to counselling, settlement services, childcare, education, personal development, and employment services, with a predominant focus on the Caribbean, Black and African communities of Toronto.
Call: 416-439-9009
Mental Health Support
Access Point
The Toronto Mental Health and Addictions Access Point
Call: 416-640-1934
Addiction and Gambling Support
Information about mental health, addictions, and problem gambling services Ontario
Call: 1-866-531-2600
Woman’s Helpline & Services
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Supporting women in violent situations; multiple languages
Call: 1-866-863-0511
416 Community for Women
Addiction and mental health services for women 16 years and older
Call: 416-964-6936
Family Services
Family Service Toronto
Counselling services for individuals and families; multiple languages
Call: 416-595-9230
Food Banks
211 Interactive Food Bank and Meal Program Map
Connect with 211 to find Services: Call 2-1-1 or Chat or Text 21166
Register and book an appointment
Call: 416-203-0050 between
8:30am to 4:30pm on weekdays
Toronto West Seventh-Day Adventist Church Food Bank
Covid19 food bank open Sun 2 pm-4 pm
Call: 416-401-0030
Our Saviour Lutheran Church Food Bank
Must call to book an appointment – Pick up available on Thursdays 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm
Call: 416-741-2110
Wednesdays 3:00 – 6:00pm
Call: 416 741-1682
Newcomer, Immigrant, and Refugee Services
The Canadian Red Cross First Contact
Call: 1-866-902-4993
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services
Call: 416-588-6288
LGBT Youth Line
Phone and online peer support for youth in Ontario
Call: 1-800-268-YOUTH (9688)
Health Services
The Sexual Health Infoline Ontario (SHILO) is a free, anonymous and inclusive eChat and phone service for Ontario residents. This service is staffed by counsellors who provide information, support and referrals in English, French and other languages on sexual health topics.
Toll-free: 1-800-668-2437
It is not intended for crisis situations. Call the 24/7 Mental Health Helpline at 1-866-531-2600.
The Works Need Exchange
Toronto Public Health’s needle exchange program also provides testing and immunization, condoms, methadone maintenance and referrals to other services.
Call: 416-392-0520
Call: 416-338-7600
Native Youth Sexual Health Network
Organization by and for Indigenous youth that works across issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice
Planned Parenthood of Toronto
Primary health clinic for youth 13 to 29
Call: 416-961-0113
Legal Help
Justice for Children and Youth
Legal representation to low-income children and youth
Call: 1-866-999-5329
Lawyer Referral Service, Law Society of Upper Canada
Referrals to lawyers who provide a free consultation of up to 30 minutes
Call: 416-947-3330 (GTA) | 1-800-268-8326
Legal Aid Ontario
Legal services for low-income communities; lists local community legal clinics
Call : 1-800-668-8258
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Information on human rights
Call: 416-314-4500
Your Legal Rights (legal information for Ontarians)
Youth Criminal Law (on the Youth Criminal Justice Act)
For additional resources or information, phone 211 or log on to