How We Help

Employment Program

Teenager and agent seated discussing good news. Agent takes notes.

Number of Youth Served

Number of Youth Employed

Number of Youth with Volunteer Experience

Data representing last fiscal year, April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024

Our Employment program works one-on-one with each youth to elevate their confidence and support them in overcoming multiple barriers to employment. Skills needed to gain employment are taught, such as resume writing and interviewing, and connections to training programs, career shadowing, and volunteer opportunities are offered. Other possible issues that the Employment program will assist with may revolve around literacy, legal concerns and lack of financial resources, or access to appropriate foot and workwear. 

Contact the Employment Program: 416.748.0110 ext. 42

Since it’s inception the YWS Employment program has delivered employment-related counseling sessions for over 5,000 youth, and provided more than 30,000 support services. These services include transit fare, work specific clothing, and safety gear for the job site.

Some of Our Partnered Agencies Include:

  • YSEP Program (Youth Succeeding in employment program)
  • YMCA
  • YES Program
  • Kitchen 24
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Building UP Program
  • JVS Employment

This is my second shelter here and I did not know what I wanted to do. But all the programs at YWS have helped me to map out my goals and work towards them. When I met with Sheri I did not have any experience and I wanted to work. She helped me a lot. She helped me with my resume, she taught me how to job search and how to succeed in an interview. She also provided me with any resources I needed including work attire and also slip-resistant shoes. I did over ten interviews before I found a job. Sheri also helped me to discuss my hours in a professional way with my supervisor to ensure I maintain my employment. She always meets with me and encourages me to do better. I am very grateful to the employment team. Thank you!

One Resident's Words

[The Employment Facilitator] helped me make resumes,cover letters and [learn] how to properly answer emails. I learned the importance of being [an] organized, dedicated job searcher… I found the Employment Facilitator to be a great asset. She’s very knowledgeable about the whole employment world. She [is] always working hard for you, and whenever you feel discouraged she’s there to give you a boost. Also, she’s always searching her resources to find anything to help your job search. I truly believe that without her help I wouldn’t have gotten employed so quickly.

One Resident's Words

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