At YWS, we lead in collaboration with a dedicated volunteer board of directors, fundraising, human resource and finance/audit committees to carry out our mission. Our continued goal is the efficient use of financial resources to continue to ensure long-term financial viability.
If you have any questions regarding YWS’s financial information or long-term strategic plan, please call our Steve Doherty, Executive Director at 416.748.0110 ext. 23.
Additional, you can view our overview on the CRA Website.

2023 Award Recipient of: Toronto Community Champion Award
Youth Without Shelter is a partner of the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness. As a CAEH Partner we agree:
- To support the mission of preventing and ending homelessness in Canada.
- That an end to homelessness in Canada will be achieved when no Canadian individual or family stays in an emergency homeless shelter or sleeps outside longer than one week before moving into a safe, decent, affordable home with the support needed to sustain it;
- To act within their capacity to achieve that mission;
- To support the four core principles of the Housing First philosophy that form the basis of community plans to end homelessness:
- consumer choice and self-determination in all housing and support services;
- provide direct access to permanent housing with the support necessary to sustain it;
- housing is a Human Right and is not conditional on sobriety or program participation;
- social inclusion, self-sufficiency and improved quality of life and health to the greatest extent possible is the ultimate objective of housing and support services