On the fifth year of Beastmas…

In these challenging times, charities across Canada, including YWS, are facing new hurdles each year as we strive to support those who rely on us. Reports over the past couple of years show a concerning trend: while fewer people are able to donate, those who can are giving at higher levels.

We often hear the phrase, “Younger generations can’t afford to give,” but we’re here to challenge that narrative. The truth is, Gen Z and Millennials are stepping up in remarkable ways. According to Charity Village, these generations are passionate about supporting causes they care deeply about, including youth-focused initiatives and social justice movements.

While affordability remains the most common barrier to giving, especially for Gen Z, they are finding innovative ways to contribute, such as volunteering and leveraging digital platforms to rally support.

A Perfect Example: Beastmas

For the past five years, Beastfighter1 has hosted Beastmas on Twitch to support YWS. This annual event unites gamers and donors during the holidays, with daily stories shared on social media leading up to an epic 12-hour live stream.

This year, Beastmas raised an incredible $2,520.69! Thanks to our Home for the Holidays matching campaign, that amount doubled to $5,041.38. Over five years, with the past three years of matching donations, Beastmas has raised an astonishing $10,440.18—all directly supporting youth in need.

To our Millennials, Gen Zs, and even Gen Alphas: your compassion and determination to create change are truly inspiring. Despite being among the generations most impacted by economic challenges, you continue to stand up for what you believe in and make a difference. Thank you.

The Impact of Your Support

To everyone who has participated in Beastmas over the years: you have helped YWS provide youth with a safe, welcoming place to call home during the holidays. From warm beds and home-cooked meals to access to mental health and employment supports, the impact of your generosity is immense.

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday,
The YWS Team

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